About Us at PostGlo

A few years ago, we had the privilege of entering into parenthood. So many thoughts ran through our heads–-This should be a piece of cake, right? How hard can it be? I’ll just listen to my “mother’s intuition” and know it all, right? To some degree, these questions were valid but overall, we were in WAY over our heads in the beginning. 

So many lessons were learned on the fly. What do we need to eat for breast milk production? For energy to run after our kids? How to manage dinners when the kids are running all over the place? How to manage MORE THAN 1 KID?! How do I feed my kids AND myself?!

We have been in your shoes – we are STILL there in many ways. But what we have now compared to then are the experiences that parenting multiple children will bring as well as our backgrounds as registered dietitian-nutritionists. What we want to do for YOU is to share these lessons, tips and tricks that we have acquired over the years. We want to be YOUR resource for questions you may have– whether it be right after having your baby, 6 months, 1 year or 5 years into your parenting journey. From sharing parenting tidbits to figuring out how to nourish our bodies so that we THRIVE as parents – THAT’S our goal for YOU. 

We want to be a part of your village. And we want you to be a part of ours. We want to help you GLO on the inside AND on the outside.